Portola Springs G.R.E.A.T. is a school-wide commitment to positive behavior support. Identifying, teaching, and reinforcing the expected behaviors allow students to achieve academic, behavioral, and social success. Portola Springs G.R.E.A.T. stems from the University of Oregon’s Center of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (P.B.I.S.) Portola Springs Elementary staff has undergone extensive training and has experience with the P.B.I.S. philosophies. Our staff adopted the P.B.I.S. philosophy and our first step was our behavioral statement of purpose: Portola Springs Elementary is a family of respectful and responsible learners. Together with our community we empower our students to be compassionate, empathetic citizens who make a positive difference in our world. Please see our school-wide matrix to learn more about Portola Springs Elementary’s expected behaviors. The school-wide matrix can be found on the PBIS page of the Portola Springs website (www.iusd.org/ps).

Our PBIS slogan is … Grizzlies are GREAT!!!

Grizzlies are …
Always positive
Truly responsible

G.R.E.A.T. Grizzly Cards—We will provide students with positive, immediate, and frequent reinforcement for these positive behaviors. When students are caught doing the right thing, Portola Springs Staff will reward them with “GREAT” cards. Other student acknowledgment opportunities will include: GREAT card drawings in the classrooms, recognition at assemblies, and opportunities for special drawings where students are selected for prizes!

P.B.I.S Basics & Research
Utilizing the “Systematic Change Model”, attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results for all children. This makes problem behavior less effective and desired behavior more functional. It is research-based, and it works!

Key Components

  • Clearly defined school-wide expected behaviors
  • Expected behaviors are intentionally taught in all school settings
  • Purposeful reinforcement for demonstrating positive school -wide expected behaviors
  • Consistent consequences and opportunities for re-teaching positive expected behaviors
  • Use of data to make decisions about school-wide practices
  • Comprehensive staff and student involvement Goals
  • Improve the academic culture through increased instructional time
  • Improve the behavioral culture through a decrease in office discipline referrals
  • Improve school safety and positive peer interactions